Configure PWA (free version)

Configure PWA (free version)

1. Enable the PWA

In your Magento backend, go to SimiCart PWA > Settings

Push Notification and Offline Mode

- Enable: Select Yes to enable both Push Notification and Offline Mode functions of PWA
- Notification Icon URL (png)
: image URL of the notification icon (.png file type)

Add to Home Screen Popup

- Enable: Select Yes to enable the Add to Home Screen notification
App Name: The name that appears on PWA splash screen
App Short Name: The name of your PWA after you add it to mobile home screen
Icon URL (png): The image URL of your PWA icon which appears on home screen (.png file type)
Theme Color: The color of PWA header
Background Color: The background color of your PWA splash screen
Save Config to save your changes.
3) Go to
System > Tools > Cache Management to clear your cache.
4) Finally, click
Build PWA to apply changes to your PWA.

2. Sending Push Notifications

1) In your Magento backend, go to SimiCart PWA > Manage Notification
2) Click Add New Notification button

- Title: The title of your notification
Image: Upload an image for your notification
Message: The message of your notification
Direct viewers to: You can choose what happens when users click on the push notification: go to a product page (Product In-app), a category page (Category Inapp), or an external website (Website Page)
Product ID/Category/URL: Select which product/category/URL that you want to redirect viewers to. Click  button to show your product/category list.
Device IDs: You can choose to send the notification to one or multiple specific devices. Click  button to show a list of registered devices (users who click “Allow” when prompted to show notification for your PWA)
3) When your notification is ready to be sent, click
4) If you want to save your notification for later use, click
Save and Continue Edit.

Which browsers support PWA?

PWA core features

Add to home screen
✔ (*)

✔ (*)

Push notifications
✔ (*)

✔ (*)
✔ (*)
✔ (*)

(*): Not supported on iOS

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