General Backend Synchronization Guide

General Backend Synchronization Guide

Magento 2

Make sure you integrate your frontend first.

In your Magento backend, go to System Extensions Integrations.
Click Add New Integration.

Enter a unique name for the integration in the Name field. Then enter your admin password in the Your Password field. Leave all other fields blank.

Click the API tab. Select the Magento resources the integration can access. You can select all resources, or select a custom list with at least those items (and children) selected: Catalog, Marketing, Stores

Click Save to save your changes and return to the Integrations page.
Click the Activate link in the grid that corresponds to the newly-created integration.
Click Allow. A dialog similar to the following displays:

Copy the Access Token. Go to your Tapita Dashboard > Synchronization.

  1. URL: the base URL of your Magento website
  2. Token: the Access Token that you can get in the previous step
Go to Integration tab and click Generate Token. Then, copy the generated Integration Token to use in the next steps.

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For Magento PWA Studio

Open the file src/override/magentoRoute.js and change the value at this line to the Integration Token you got in previous step.
  1. const integrationToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
Then, run this command
  1. yarn run watch

For ScandiPWA

Open the file src/component/Pagebuilder/Pagebuilder.config.js and change the value at this line to the Integration Token you got in previous step.
  1. export const endPoint = '';
  2. export const integrationToken = 'INTEGRATION_TOKEN';
  3. export const storeCode = ''
In package.json file, change the value at this line into your Magento URL
  1. "proxy": "MAGENTO_URL"

For Vue Storefront

Replace the Integration Token value at these files:




Then, run this command

  1. yarn dev


In your Tapita account, go to Synchronization tab. Enter your URL link and Token:
  1. URL link: your store's base URL
  2. Token: the Storefront access token that you got when integrating your Hydrogen frontend.

Then, click Verify.

Then, go to Integration tab. Copy the Integration Token.

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Open the file at src/components/NotFound.server.jsx
And change the value at this line:
  1. const integrationToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
to the Integration Token copied above.
Then, re-run the serve command
  1. yarn serve

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