Compile React Native source code

Compile React Native source code


  1. NodeJS, Watchman, Cocoa Pods (for iOS only)
  2. Android Studio & XCode
  3. A SimiCart account
  4. A Magento website with SimiCart Connector installed. You can get SimiCart Connector at the links below:
    1. Magento version 2.3.4 and above:
    2. Magento version below 2.3.4:
  5. The following Magento plugins are also required: 
    1. Standard package:
      1. Version4.0/M2/paypalexpress
    2. Professional package: All plugins from Standard plus:
      1. Version4.0/M2/custompayment, Version4.0/M2/Simifbconnect, Version4.0/M2/Simideeplink, Version4.0/M1/Simistorelocator

How to compile source code

Extract the source code package.
1. Open file src/core/helper/simicart.js

  1. Replace YOUR_MAGENTO_SITE with your Magento base URL
  2. SECRET_KEY & TOKEN_KEY: get these keys from your backend > SimiCart > General Settings
2. Open your terminal, navigate to your source folder location
3. Run this command:  npm install
4. To run app on Android
  1. Open Android Studio and select Open an existing Android Studio project.
  2. Choose android folder under your source
  3. On terminal, at your source folder path, run the following command:
    react-native bundle --platform android --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --dev false --reset-cache --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/
  4. Navigate to android folder and run this: npx jetify
  5. Select your target device then click button Run
If you change anything in JS, you need to re-run the command from step c.

5. To run app on iOS
  1. Navigate to ios folder under your source, then run this command: pod install
  2. Open Xcode for this project by double clicking SimiCart.xcworkspace file
  3. Select your target device (virtual or physical device) then click button Run on Xcode.

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